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30+ years of medical research

Lisa, her late husband Bob, and their 2 children.

“Dementia stole my husband from me.”

Bob was only 47 when symptoms started. He died 6 years later.

From healthy to spoonfed in just 5 years

A photo of Bob healthy and in front of brick wall A photo of Bob after 5 years of sickness, visibly unwell

Learn how to reduce dementia risk for your family

It takes less than 5 minutes.

The early symptoms

Often these are hard to notice on your own, so look out for your loved ones.

  • Illustration of missing puzzle piece from a person’s head

    Memory loss

  • Illustration of a confused person


  • Illustration of a happy and frowning person

    Mood swings

  • Illustration of a bathroom scale

    Sudden weight loss

  • Illustration of a person who cannot find the words they want

    Struggling to find the right words

  • Illustration of a school whiteboard with 1+1 on it

    Difficulty with numbers and money

Lisa Rushton

“As an army veteran, Bob was fit and active when I first noticed his symptoms.”

– Lisa, Bob's wife

Who is at risk?

Anyone can get dementia, but the biggest risk factor is age (above 65).

1 in 10 Australians die from dementia

40% of cases could be prevented by

  • Illustration of a fuming cigarette crossed out

    Stopping smoking

  • Illustration of a bathroom scale

    Regular exercise

  • Illustration of a fish with a leafy salad

    Eating leafy greens, fish and berries

  • Illustration of a heart monitor

    Keeping your blood pressure healthy

Bob left us all a generous gift...

Bob donated his brain to NeuRA (Neuroscience Research Australia).

His donation helps research into dementia prevention, diagnosis and treatment – giving hope to millions of Australians and supporting research worldwide.

Lisa, Bob and their 2 happy daughters. Bob is in a wheelchair and visibly ill

“One day we hope research advancements will allow families not have to go through what we have. Bob’s legacy will live on in research.”

– Lisa, Bob’s wife

How does NeuRA help people with dementia?

Photo of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRAPhoto of a world-class dementia researcher working at NeuRA

Since 1990 NeuRA’s donors have enabled world-class researchers to make discoveries to help millions. Currently on the horizon:

  • A blood test for early diagnosis
  • New drugs to stop early onset dementia (from 30 years old)
  • Alternative treatments to improve quality of life

“Life–savers, ethical & caring scientists, world class. Thank you for diagnosing my partner's young onset dementia.”

– Lynda on Google

If it only took you 2 minutes, would you help stop dementia?

Generous donors like you give them hope for a future without dementia.

Donate now to help stop dementia

Every dollar goes towards dementia research. Your donation is tax deductible.